Hosts: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr.
We welcome Jake Hess, III to our podcast today. Jake is our new worship leader at St Paul.
We are all called to live a present tense relationship with Jesus. Listen to Jake share his faith story and how at the intersections of life, God continues to work a beautiful tapestry for His Kingdom. Follow Jake on Instagram (
Feel free to reach out to us. We would love to hear from you. Email us at [email protected].
Hosts: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr. We would love to hear from you. Email us at [email protected].
Join Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr for a study on the significance of the Holy Spirit in our lives today. Text: Acts 2:1-4
HOSTS: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr. How people see God now is usually with an introspective look into the ways God has moved...