We talked to CARLOS WHITTAKER!!!
Carlos is a refreshing human being. He not only allows you into his family and life through social media (@loswhit @whittfarm), but he brings you along his very personal journey of faith. The way he writes is like he is sitting across from you and you are hanging on to every word. The vulnerability he speaks with allows you to feel his story. Carlos is unapologetic about his walk with the Lord. The way he describes talking with God, being “conversationally intimate” with the Holy Spirit, makes you think of course I can do that. The accessibility he tells us we have…it is such an important encouragement. Carlos says that there isn’t a formula to a wild faith in God, but he sure makes it seem easy to Enter Wild!
READ HIS BOOKS: Moment Maker, Kill the Spider, and Enter Wild. Give a listen to Episode 10 of SPUMCCOLUMBUS podcast on the Holy Spirit and hear the man for yourself.
HOSTS: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr. Welcome to Season 2 “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all...
Join Emily Trotter and John Fugh Jr. for this new on-demand study on the significance of the Holy Spirit in our lives today. In...
Hosts: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr In This Episode: Mary presented herself to God as an empty vessel. Into this vessel, God poured...