Latest Episodes

S2E4: Christianity Precedes the Bible (Guest: John Boyd)
HOSTS: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr.GUEST: John Boyd For more than 200 years after the resurrection of Jesus, the Church grew exponentially. This...

S2E3: The Good, The Bad, and God's Grace
Hosts: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr. In This Episode: In his book “Free to Live,” John Eldredge wrote, “We cannot begin to truly...

S2E2 - Yes ... And ...
HOSTS: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr. How people see God now is usually with an introspective look into the ways God has moved...

S2E1: Anger versus Compassion
HOSTS: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr. Welcome to Season 2 “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all...

Episode 28: Step Out and Feel the Wind
Hosts: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr. The more that you open yourself up to the Spirit of God, the more you look for...

Episode 27: Present at the Intersections with Jake Hess, III
Hosts: Emily Trotter and John Fugh, Jr. We welcome Jake Hess, III to our podcast today. Jake is our new worship leader at St...